Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Observing Report: Nov 5, 2012

Monday lab had a clear but cold second session at the observatory.  (In the video above, you can see darkness fall at the observatory before the lab session at 24x natural speed.) The focus of the session was imaging, though we also had a visual sky tour and a telescopic view of Juipter, which was visible above the eastern horizon by 7:30.

Big Dipper in the NNW, 6:20 PM

Bright objects L-R Capella, Jupiter, Aldebaran. 8:30 PM

We used an SBIG 402 CCD camera to image one deep space object in each session. In the 7:00 session, we took pictures of M57 (the Ring Nebula) and at 8:00 the target was M27 (the Dumbell Nebula). In both sessions we took both unfiltered images and a set of images through RGB filters to later combine into a color image. Here are the results:
M27, unfiltered, 24 sec exposure. Not focused as well as we thought. Color results were  not satisfactory.

M57, unfiltered, 12 sec exposure.

Combinations of three 12 sec exposures through red, blue, and green filters. Best of the night!

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