Monday, September 29, 2014

The Sky this Month (October)

Show times: 7 PM on Tuesday, 9/30, and 4:00 PM on Sunday, 10/5. The shows, as always, are free and open to the public, and they run about 50 minutes.

Top on the agenda this month will be the total eclipse of the moon that will be visible here in the early morning hours of October 8. There will also be a partial eclipse of the sun later in the month. Technically, it's also visible locally though only by the barest of margins. The moon will begin to take a tiny bite out of the sun just about a half hour before sunset. Locations west of us will see the eclipse for longer, with the western half of the US seeing the whole show. In some locations that will mean more than half of the sun being obscured by the moon.

**Never look at the sun without proper precautions.**

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